My apologies for the sudden absence this past year. I was finishing up my degree for a Masters, then family life stuff got really heavy. Additionally, my mother died a few months ago, and whew, it was just some really heavy stuff. Saturn was opposing my Sun through most of it, and it has weighed heavy in the responsibility department. Now that Saturn is moving into Capricorn, I know that I will have other types of obligations, but in a different way and it should be more manageable.
The hope is that life has moved into a new phase enough for me to kick back into posting on my blog. The past few months have also been about getting my other websites on track and on new hosting service. You may not know that I am not only involved in Lunar Living, but I also created/developed the set-up for Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars. I am in the process of cleaning up the Astroscoped Directory. Plus, hopefully, I can get back to establishing JAstrology as a learning environment. Collectively, these keep me busy, but I also work and am actively involved in a couple of organizations. So, the photo in this post pretty much describes how my brain works.
Thank you all for your patience and for hanging in there with me while I attempt to get back to doing more of the things that pique my interest.
Be well,
J McCaul