The Sagittarius New Moon is the precursor to the Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010. The New Moon should have a calming quality, for the most part. Of course, with Mars and Mercury still transiting Out of Bounds, and now the Moon will also be OOB for a few days, we could easily get caught off guard. Yet, that seems to be the nature of the Out of Bounds transits. We can minimize some of that by being prepared. Additionally, Mercury's retrograde motion starting on December 10 will likely make a fine smear of a mess on the Christmas holiday. Those individuals who do their shopping, preparation and travel arrangements early in the month, will be the least impacted. But for many, that early preparation takes all the fun and adventure out of the event. Be that as it may, this holiday season is likely to be a lot like the 2003 Christmas Mercury Retrograde. If you remember that one, you will want to plan your events to NOT have a repeat of that. Read more about this New Moon's aspects at