Monday, December 20, 2010

Lunar Eclipse - Gemini - December 21

The Total Lunar Eclipse less than a day before the Winter Solstice will likely have a dramatic impact on everyone.  Individuals born in the late degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will notice the affects the most.

This Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is the lead-in to the Capricorn Solar Eclipse in January, giving us a heads up about issues we need to address.  Yet many will feel too confused by the message to know what to do with it.  As Rose Lineman explains in "Eclipse Interpretation Manual," the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, after a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini can be difficult because of the sense of practicality the Capricorn New Moon encourages us to focus on. We tend to be emotionally frivolous when the Lunar Eclipse is in Gemini, and the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is likely to shake us with "reality shockwaves" if we have been too silly with our decisions during the Lunar Eclipse influence. The Anaretic Degree of the Full Moon in Gemini acting as a singleton in the northern hemisphere, the T-square with Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, along with the Moon and Mars transits Out of Bounds (OOB) are all stressful aspects during this eclipse. The Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius certainly is not helping us, either. At Lunar Living ( the December 21 Lunar Eclipse article helps explain some of the ways to deal with the energies so that the New Year should feel less demanding and more fulfilling.