Sunday, May 30, 2010

How to Avoid a Bad Astrological Experience

A great blogged piece of compiled resources is available on Donna Cunningham's blog at Skywriter Although the article is directed at the professional astrologer, it is also a great insightful resource for non-astrological individuals who are reaching out for astrological information. Some astrologers (and prognosticators of many types) can become so entrenched in the technique that they lose sight of the individual who is receiving the information. I remember early on when I had a chart reading by a well-known US based vedic astrologer (No, I will not name him) who told me that I was likely to lose many children to deadly circumstances because of a poorly placed Saturn in my chart. While this Might ultimately occur at some point in time, the manner in which the information was relayed was truly disconcerting, at the time. And I think we can all say that there are some professionals in a variety of fields out there who get so wrapped up into the "explanation" of the situation that the humanity of the message gets lost. There are so many situations in which a perspective gets skewed by the professional's past experience and opinion.

The client or customer should also feel as though he/she has the right to ask questions and request clarification of the information received. With the resources that Ms. Cunningham has provided in her article, I believe that the client can come out the other side of a potentially bad interpretation of their chart with a greater understanding of what to avoid and what to look for when researching an individual to interpret their chart.