The Libra New Moon should bring some relief after that hard hitting Full Moon last month. We can start to regroup now, and clean up some of the left overs that seemed to hang on for, like, forEVER! Finding balance is an important message with the Libra energies. This New Moon does seem to put quite a bit of emphasis on Chiron, encouraging us to find help for issues and personal problems that plague us. Saturn in Scorpio will have us focusing on restructuring our psychological perspectives as well as our finances and familial legacies. Secrets and taboos may also need to be examined if we find that they are hindering our ability to expand or change. The upcoming Full Moon in Taurus will be two days prior to Halloween, and those energies will splash over into the celebration of the day. Also, we will be experiencing a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse next month. There will be lots to think about as the holiday season approaches.