Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Watch Eclipse Live from North America - June 15 2011

Update: The live showing of the lunar eclipse over the span of about 3 hours on was GREAT!  The best camera angle was out of Cyprus.  At times the camera from Dubai was clear, but gradually become blurry and almost foggy. I hope everyone got the chance to watch it.  If not, I think you can find a copy of it through youtube via the google recording. Here is one link  - Yes it really is approximately 4 hours long. Some key "times" that you can zone in to on the bar is 0:30 *beginning to show the shadow; 1:05 dark shadow; 1:20-1:22 red hue begins; 1:52-2:17 total; and 3:17 changing back from the red hue to white. This view on the recording was from Dubai. Another way to scan through the recording is by pressing the keys 1 through 9 to quickly flip through the eclipse, for example, once it starts playing, press the number "5" to see the total eclipse section.
Previously: Check this out :)  The Lunar Eclipse is being presented LIVE at slooh ( )  and also on [as in "Right Now!"]