Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gemini Solar Eclipse - May 20, 2012

This New Moon is a Solar Eclipse in the early degree of Gemini. The solar eclipse will be an annular (ring of fire) eclipse making it just as powerful as a total eclipse. Most of us are already feeling the impacts of the eclipse and will continue to feel the influences right on through to the next New Moon. The next New Moon will also occur in the sign of Gemini. The Lunar Eclipse between the two Gemini New Moons will be in the sign of Sagittarius.  

One of the interesting facts about the solar eclipse is that it will start in China on May 21 and it will end in the United States on May 20. Charts and a map are available with the Lunar Living article.  Apparently, there are over 100 national parks in the United States which are set up to encourage viewing the event on Sunday. Let's hope the weather holds out and the clouds stay away. One possible viewing option could be at SLOOH.

In other news, Venus stationed retrograde a few days ago, and the news made it very obvious that the shift of energy was adversely affecting many.  The Jastrology.blogspot has a current article discussing the potential impact of Venus' retrograde transit in Gemini. The fact that Venus is also transiting Out of Bounds at the beginning of the retrograde period adds a fear-based intensity to the transit.  Hopefully, between the Venus retrograde and the Solar Eclipse energies, nothing happens to dampen the festive energies of the eclipse over the US.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Scorpio Full Moon - May 6, 2012

This is the Super Full Moon of 2012. The plus-sized appearance is caused by the Moon's orbit bringing it closer to the Earth while it is Full. The best time to view the larger then usual size is when the Moon is on the horizon.
The Full Flower Moon is delivering both challenges and rewards together. Read the Lunar Living article to learn more. Finding balance of activities and emotions during this Full Moon will help to deal with the challenges as well as reap the rewards. Naturally, there is an intuitive nature to the Scorpio Moon, and this has the potential of bringing up feelings of jealousy and revenge. Find ways to redirect impulsive reactions that could potentially harm another. The wrong outcome for the right reasons does not usually bode well in our society.

The Scorpio Full Moon in the western hemisphere is actually on May 5, which is the day of independence and celebration for the Mexican community known as Cinco de Mayo. This is a very festive day of great Mexican food and music.

Next weekend is Mother's Day in the United States. Remember to set aside some time to honor the mothers in our lives who nurtured and comforted us as children and in times of need.

Don't forget that the Gemini Solar Eclipse is in two weeks. This is an annular eclipse meaning that it is similar to a total but that the Moon will not totally block out all the light leaving a ring of fire around the Moon's outline.  Many people are already feeling the influences of the Solar Eclipse.